Experience of use Feronex

Experience in using Feronex capsules Luca di Vaslui

Diagnosis of oligozoospermia - few sperm

I got married quite late, at 37, and my wife is much younger. For the first two years we enjoyed our marriage, traveled often and work was time-consuming, so at first we didn't think about children. But then my wife and I somehow simultaneously came to the idea that we wanted to have a child, or better yet two. She stopped taking birth control, but she was unable to get pregnant. We went through a comprehensive examination at the family planning and reproduction center and then the unpleasant truth became clear. My wife was absolutely healthy and ready to have children, but I was diagnosed with 2nd degree oligozoospermia: there were too few sperm in my seminal fluid; The doctor said that under favorable conditions the chance of conception is only 10%, but taking into account other factors it could be even lower.

How I discovered Feronex

After the diagnosis, the cause had to be found and several more weeks were spent on tests. They found traces of mild inflammation, which can be easily treated with antibiotics, but the main cause of oligozoospermia turned out to be hormonal imbalance and low levels of testosterone, which is necessary for sperm synthesis. To restore normal hormonal levels, the doctor recommended me a soft preparation with a natural composition: Feronex capsules. As he explained, medicinal plant extracts act on the Leydig cells in the testicles, stimulating testosterone production naturally, without sudden changes, thus avoiding side effects. Then I looked at the official website for a review of the product, its composition and how to use it. And I decided to try it. All this time I felt very depressed, inferior and had a persistent sense of guilt and fear that I would never be able to become a father. Well, to be honest, I was terrified that a further decrease in testosterone could lead to impotence.

Feronex restored testosterone and sperm levels

Application results

I took Feronex according to the instructions: morning and evening, one capsule before meals, washed down with clean water. The andrologist also advised me to slightly limit my carbohydrate intake and give up alcohol. By the way, I have always been quite calm and thought that having sex 2-3 times a week was the norm. My wife was happy with everything, so I wasn't worried. But now it became clear that this was due to low testosterone. Already in the first week of taking it I noticed that my libido had increased. After two weeks, my wife also felt the difference. After a 30-day course of Feronex, the general condition of the body improved, I became more energetic and even lost 5 kg. The test showed that testosterone levels were close to normal and the sperm count had doubled. The positive dynamic continued even after he stopped taking the capsules and after 3 months his wife announced that she was pregnant. I can't tell you how happy I was! Thanks to Feronex, not only have I had a more fulfilling sex life, but I will be able to become the father I have always dreamed of.